Wednesday, July 23, 2008


We still have some introductions yet to share. My Floridita...WTF?

Even though I've mostly gringo blood coursing through these veins, I've always had a certain proclivity for things Spanish. And not just Costa Rican ticas and Salma Hayek! And while we are on the subject of Salma Hayek, who amongst us has seen the movie trailer of the yet to be released movie of Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson making out? And you people say religion is dead in Hollywood, who but the gods could have teamed those two up? But I digress, a thousand apologies...

Where was I, oh yes, things Spanish. Not just Spanish, but Latin, Mexican, Central American, South American, Shakiracan! So since I was but a pequeno nino, I've always named things in Spanish tongue. It started with my first sailboat...El Dientieso. Its a literary reference to a kind of shark that gave an Old Man of a particular Sea quite a bit of trouble. Twenty years later, I haven't gotten even the slightest bit more clever.

Ernest Hemingway: I am, to say the least, a big admirer. We will talk in later posts about him, we'll cook and drink and whore and chase German subs in his honor plenty. But briefly, he is definetly my favorite author, but more than that, this adventure I seek that I've mentioned previously. No greater adventure would there be for me than to follow in this man's footsteps.

Ok time for a parentheitical aside (hey private college education here folks, so gimme some space.) When I refer to Hemingway's footsteps, let me make a quick note that, oh say around the time I finally turn 60-61, I'm getting the hell off his footpath, no "self-inflicted" gunshot for me! Unless of course, on my 61st birthday, my wife finds me in a cuban whorehouse surrouned by piles of cash, cocaine, and barely legal ass, then that 12-gauge over-under will do nicely.

Hemingway, a man's man, a ladies man, a writer, a fisherman, and adventurer, a sailor, lover, fighter, father, husband, ex-husband, on and on we could go.

While living in Cuba, just outside of Havana, its widely known Hemingway's favorite bar to drink his beloved Daquiris in, was called El Floridita.

So in a bit of honor to him, and as I clearly can't get anymore clever than my 12 year old self, I decree the name of this blog...My Floridita.