You know how life can come at us pretty fast at times. Responsibilities overwhelm, duties engulf, storms blow. Its far too easy to miss the subtleties, the little things, that shouldn't be overlooked or passed by, but so often are in times such as these. Caught up in the breezes of chaos, forgoing our little satisfactions and merits, missing pleasantries and moments.
Ol Gringo doesn't miss a damn thing though! No question that I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, always thought of myself as the 'strong back, weak mind' type of fellow. But I find that if I can sit still for a spell and put my mind to it, all those missed details come flooding back; back to me, to be properly and hungrily remembered and relished.
First day of fall was this week, getting cold, leaves a turning, so grab a mug of hot cocoa and read on as I try and put my mind to the details of a day not long ago.
What is that you say? Your calendar is bull shitting you the same as mine. Its still hot as a pepper patch outside and the only turning going on is that of your A/C thermostats? But the therapy of the hot cocoa sipped out on your porch swing, under grandma's hand knitted quilt, or curled up in your favorite chair, reading material in hand is what I'm talking about that's lost. You are missing that!!
Breezes of chaos, merits and moments, all that wasted alliteration a few lines up, remember?
This is about comfort, this is about recapturing those lost and unnoticed moments. Forget the hot cocoa and quilts, I got something better.
You are gonna need:
6-7 oz. of chocolate - An even mix, say 2 oz. each of milk chocolate, bittersweet and semisweet. If you wanna throw in an extra oz. of milk chocolate, who am I to argue your genius.
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1 1/2 cup whole milk - wanna go for broke, mix in a little heavy cream
2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter
iceWhen we finally reconnected, long over due, I was full of lust and desire. The kissing first, always first, had a sense of urgency to it. The clothes I'd worn felt all wrong and unnecessary. While our time together lasted a couple of hours, most all of that time was spent urgently. Urgently taking what was desired, urgently giving what was needed, all at once dining on and feeding the other. It was erotic, it was very pleasurable, and as always it was in its own way beautiful and perfect.
Thinking back now, I can see so many little details that the broad stroke of my lust and desire overlooked, but now, later, I find those details alluring, attractive, sexy, and mostly just...her.
The chocolates needs to be melted down, either in a double boiler, stirring regularly, or in the microwave, carefully. Once the chocolates are all melted down together, add the sugar and cocoa powder, stirring it all together. While all is still hot, whisk in 1/2 cup of your milk or milk/cream mixture. At this point, let it cool, even stick it in fridge or an ice bath to cool the chocolate mixture down as we need it back to room temperature.
Once its cool, poor it into a blender, add in your remaining 1 cup of milk, the peanut butter and a few cubes of ice. Blend till smooth, adding ice as you desire to get the consistency you like.
If you've got a frozen glass from your freezer at the ready, great, otherwise any old glass will do. Dollop a little whipped cream on top and you've got
Her hair looked great, pulled back into a clip. But once i removed her hair clip and let her long hair fall about her shoulders, she looked amazing.
Her nails where freshly painted a color that goes very well with her end of summer skin tone.
She had a bruise on her left thigh and another small one on the outside top of her left breast. The thigh's bruise a mystery, however did I make the small one on her breast?
The sun induced freckles on her back beginning to fade into autumn.
Her legs, so freshly smooth and hairless, her sex the same.
She often sighs her pleasure, but at times, she will make a small whimper of pre-orgasmic release. I've learned so much about her body, just by listening to it.
Her smile, when we are looking into each other as I am inside her, it begins its sly curl on the left side of her lips.
The flush of red that starts at her neck and works its way in to her face as she rides her own orgasm.
The way her hair, now sweaty for exurtion, sticks sweetly to the sides of her face.
What dominates these thoughts however was her new cute dress. She didn't mention it, and it didn't stay on for long, but her dress was very cute and summery. It was flattering and accentuated her beautiful curves.
I would have like to have kept her on my arm for the rest of the day, showing her off in her new summer dress to all the certainly jealous men about town. Another day perhaps, soon I hope.